
Strategic Business Advising 

Improve the overall health of your business operations, performance, and longevity.

Even the brightest and most successful leaders of companies utilize outside advising to see improvements on their ROI year over year.

As a Strategic Business Advisor, I help C-level Executives to business owners grow their business with tailored 1:1 advising to ensure they're focused on the right aspects of their business to see the biggest return on their investment.

  • Building Sales Teams, Creating a Sales Strategy

  • Marketing Strategy, Planning & Execution

  • Organization; Productivity, Time Management

  • Hiring, Recruiting, and Retention.


Fractional COO/CRO

Helps the Leadership of the business to hire specific talent with the skillset to make an impact in a short amount of time, Helping those companies that want to scale quickly or are looking to pivot the direction the company is headed.

As a Fractional Chief Operating Officer/ Chief Revenue Officer helps bridge the void as a placeholder for companies while they search to fill the position or as an affordable solution for companies that are not ready to invest in a full-time hire. 

  • Manage the Day to Day Operations.

  • Help Develop or Refine Your Business Strategy

  • Build out Processes, Optimize, and Implementation

  • Oversee Essential Projects

  • Recruitment, Retention, and Mentoring of Management Talent


Project Consultant

As a Project Consultant, It's an inexpensive option for companies that need to complete a specific project in a short amount of time and need that additional team member.